Alpha Morgan Balanced Fund

Fund Type

Open-Ended Fund

Minimum Investable-Sum


Minimum Holding Period

180 Days

Risk Profile


Information! Please note that CASH is not an acceptable mode of payment.

How to Invest

Complete this account opening form and submit it at either of our Lagos and Abuja branches of Alpha Morgan Capital Managers with the following documentation.

  • One passport photograph for each applicant
  • A government-issued identity card (national ID card, Driver’s license, International Passport, Voter’s card etc.)
  • Proof of address.

Alternatively, completed forms together with the required documentation can be forwarded to the email address: [email protected]

Bank: UBA    
Account Number: 1025012344


A Balanced Fund is a Mutual Fund that predictably comprises of a mix of fixed income/money market securities and equities. The aim of the Balanced Fund is to provide capital appreciation over time while mitigating against the volatility associated with investments in equities by investing in fixed income securities. The Fund is geared towards investors seeking for a mix of safety, income and modest capital appreciation
The fund invests in a blend of Equities Securities quoted on the Nigerian Exchange Limited (NGX) and in high quality Fixed Income Securities.
No. Generally, Mutual Funds do not offer guaranteed returns to the investors. The return on the Fund is dependent on the performance of the underlying assets and the ability of the fund manager to efficiently manage the risk and return tradeoff.
Firstly, the performance of a Balanced Fund can be benchmarked against other Funds of similar type. The fund can also be measured against an established market index. The Alpha Morgan Balanced Fund can be benchmarked against the average composite index of the NGX 50, S&P Sovereign Bond index and 90 day treasury bill index.